Love them all
I’m not displacing the place of education but I want you to understand this clearly....
As a teacher or a caretaker, it is important that you understand that you do not know the destiny of any child.
When God keeps you in-charge of children, it is a privilege and an opportunity that has been bestowed on you to raise them with gratitude.
Get this, “The poor performance of a child in school most likely doesn’t affect their overall turnout in life”.
It is a sad reality that a child may do poorly in primary or secondary school but may achieve greater heights in the university education. Some other children would do well in secondary school but may do poorly in the university. Others would become great businessmen or politicians.
All the same your job as a teacher or parent is to motivate, inspire and correct the children in your care to become better.
Some students go to school and end up coming out shattered because of the wrong attitudes of teachers.
The academic achievement of children does not define their performance in life. God began to create people long before the existence of a formal education, hence, people would perform extra-ordinary in life with poor grades staring right at them.
In my masters Thesis I clearly did a study on the intellectual development of children through the use of drama.
During my research, I found out that there are almost eight types of intelligence in our world. I hereby understood that our educational system has not given a broad attention to the intellectual disparities of young children which later affects their overall performance in school.
Educating the minds of children is important, inspiring and motivating them to learn is even more important; but how you carry out these activities would either impact negatively or positively on children.
Children are quick to understand when you play favorites through comparisons. It is very important that you understand that children learn differently, hence never write any child of.
I’m grateful for the things I went through as a child, because it is the reason why I do what I do for children.
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