
When you pray about an issue, you should also pray for the grace to wait until your prayers are answered. Also Pray for the grace to choose wisely without being carried away by what you think is right. 

Ask God to fill your heart with the virtue of patience until you become drunk with it. When you pray for the right partner, ask God to give you the patience to wait until you meet them. 

When prophet Samuel was sent to anoint the chosen one amongst the sons of Jesse. He was so carried away by their statue, and the charisma of Jesse’s other sons. He could have missed the right one if the lord had not intervened. 

It wouldn’t be long before he knew that the lord does not look at the outward appearance but the inner man. 

How could this have been avoided? The prophet could have waited on the lord to instruct him on who the oil was assigned to, he should have also asked the right questions. However, in his humanly nature he couldn’t see beyond. 

When you pray for a spouse ask the Lord to choose for you because he knows the intent of the heart of everyone. He also knows your inner most needs and what would be good for you. 

You may even be totally carried away by the significant symbols and signs that may accompany their presence in your life. 

Wait again, don’t move, before you take the next step ask the lord again.


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