Vintage Devotional

Day 1

There was a man named Job who lived in the land of Uz. The Lord asked Satan “Have you noticed my servant Job? He’s the finest man in the earth.
Job 1:1,8 

This is the first edition of the vintage devotional and I must tell you, God is bringing you new wine in this month of May. 

The most remarkable feature of nature is diversity. 

The spice of life is in the abundance of the beautiful and remarkable things the Lord has made. This is to encourage you that God knows your name, he knows who you are and created you specially for the fulfillment of his plans.

The man Job was part of the people living in his times, yet you can see that he was identified by God. 

Although you may be going through some bad things, all I want you to know is that God is using those obstacles to build you up. 

This is your season of new wine. The Lord is bringing new wine in your new wine skin which is the month of May. Remember God knows you, he is proud of you and he loves you. Move on. 


I’m loved of God 

I’m a burning and a shinning light 

God knows me and loves me

I’m moving to a bigger and better season.

In Jesus name, Amen 


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