Let go

The only way you can make progress in life is by letting go of past hurts, pains and dead relationships. I’m someone who hates the feeling of goodbyes, but I’ve learnt that the entire process of goodbye is a major part of life. Are you tied to memories you should have kissed goodbye? Do it right now, let it go. Are you blaming someone over your failures? Don’t worry about it again, Let it go. 

Some people are stuck to a tragic situation which has held them bound for years. It may have been a rape situation were you have been trapped in the room for years. It could have been the death of a loved one who left you with tears in your eyes. You can let it go, you can move ahead. Remember that the night usually gives way to the sun to shine brightly. It is important you give way to peace, happiness and Joy again. You have an opportunity to walk away from your pain. Let it go!


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