What men really want...

Hey Ladies,

I do not totally understand men, and I bet you do not understand them either. I cannot really express what men really want, I’ll try my best, my utmost best, I promise. 

What do men really want? Yes, what do they want? 

What I’m totally certain about is that a man really wants what he wants. The good qualities of patience, kindness, and being soft-spoken are all good but I must state, a man would have what he wants not who wants him. 

Have you not heard of women with degrading attributes who are married to men who really love them? When it comes to love and marriage, men would marry who they want to marry not who was there all along.

What a man really wants is what he wants. Jacob knew almost nothing about Racheal but he fell head over heels I love with her, Samson knew very little about Delilah but that was where his heart laid softly, you can even mention more names if you like, but sincerely a man would only want what he wants. 

I have searched and I’ve concluded that when it comes to love, marriage and relationships, you can only wait for what you deserve. 


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