Vintage Devotional (Stop looking behind)

Day 18th 

Stop looking behind. 

I long for that years gone by...

Job 29:2

The past would always look beautiful and attractive but yet, Look at what is right before you. Our Bible character Job started becoming full of regrets and questions about his life. In trying to escape from his present condition, he started looking behind.

Yesterday usually looks amazing and tomorrow would always look more enticing. You must understand that all you’ve got now is your today. Today is today and you should unwrap everyday with a level of joy and grace. Remember that today would soon be in the past and tomorrow would soon be today. Relentlessly desire an attitude of gratitude, faith and hope.

Also remember that life is cyclical; random days, random nights but what you make of these frigid moments is all that counts. Get up expectant, look ahead and be aware that your little steps are usually what makes the entirety of your journey.

Action point 

1. Count your blessings

2. Let go of past relationships, hurts and pain.

3. Thank the Lord for the opportunity he has given you to love and be loved. 


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