Vintage Devotional (Be guided)

 Day 24

Be Guided 

Then Naomi her mother in-law said unto her, my daughter shall I not seek rest for thee, “that it may be well with thee? Wash thyself therefore, and anoint thee and put thy raiment upon thee, and get thee down to the floor.

Ruth 3vs 1,3 

One of the major reason for the decline of marriages in this generation arises from lack of proper guidance. We are living in a period where so many young people move on their own path without asking for guidance. Don’t pick a wife or a husband without seeking counsel. 

The 21st century has ushered in all forms of Changes in thought and ideology. Before the immense increase of information, people were subjected to the counsel of elders but the rapid change in ideology has over turned the wisdom of the aged. 

Our Bible study character Ruth listened to the counsel of her mother in-law without personal reservations. She refused to allow her own perceptions guide her but she choose to listen to what she was told. 

Please listen to this, no matter how old our parents get, they still have so many things to teach us that can help our path. Remember that in a multitude of counselors there is safety. Refuse to plunge into a marital relationship without seeking the counsel of your parents. 

Action point 

Ask the lord for help to heed the counsel of your parents.

Refuse to be adamant about your own way.

Follow the Lord and heed your parents wise advise.


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