Vintage devotional (Day 25)
Day 25
Sow good seeds.
Naomi took the baby and cuddled him to her breast. And she cared for him as if he were her own. Then the neighbor women said, “Now at last, Naomi has a son again”.
Ruth 3:16,17
In life we must realize that the kind of seeds we sow affects the direction of our lives. When you sow good seeds, you’ll get good yields, when you sow bad seeds, you’ll get bad yields.
We live in times were people expect to reap good seeds from bad choices, illicit lifestyles and deadly decisions. Remember that whatever thought, or action you release into the atmosphere would return back to you in good or bad measures.
Naomi’s decision to help her daughter in-law paid her back in great measures. Naomi automatically became a mother and a grandmother because she decided to sow the right seeds in Ruth’s life. What kind of seeds are you sowing? What kind of Choices are you making?
Life is made up of several paths, whatever path you choose would define your destination here and in eternity. So choose rightly and sow the right seeds.
Lord help me to make right choices in all my endeavors in Jesus name. Amen
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