Vintage devotional(Ruth did not return)

 Day 3 

Look Naomi said to Ruth, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and her gods. 

Ruth 1:5 

The major reason people choose to return is because the present seems hard and the future is blur. In their pursuits of good things, they remember the precious life behind them. Yesterday’s  old fantasies sneaks on them like harsh crickets on withered skins and never do they grasp that yesterday is gone. In the time line of God, he only regards your present and empowers you for the future. 

I must tell you this, anyone who puts his hands on the plough and looks behind has defeated the purposes of God. Do not deplete the essence of the beautiful life God has entrusted into your hands. 

Our Bible study character Ruth decided to braze her heart with iron in earnest pursuit of a new life. She refused to stay in the known but had faith enough in the God of the Hebrews who would never let her down. In that confidence, God did not just bless her, he gave her a name that surpasses generations and generations yet to come. She understood that her former life held nothing for her but was bold enough to try something new. 

I dare you to try something new in this season. Move away from what you’ve known to what you can know and become. Orpha returned to her gods, her past and remained susceptible to what she has always been. 

I dare you to move away from what you’ve known to what you can know!!! 


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